Test Specimen Fabrication
Bud Labs is equipped with a complete machine shop capable of fabricating test specimens to ASTM and customer drawings.
We specialize in "difficult-to-machine, hardfaced and coated materials".
Need help with interpretation of a tribology or materials problem?
Need help with technical writing or presentations?
Below are some reference books authored by Bud Labs Staff that you will find helpful. Available at most bookstores. Click on the for additional information as well as where to purchase.
- Engineering Materials: Properties and Selection, K.G. Budinski and M. K. Budinski, (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Pearson Education, 2013, approx. 750 pages - ISBN: 978-0-13-712842-6) This is a basic engineering materials text that covers the theory and property details of all important classes of materials. It includes many helpful tables and graphs that aid selection and how to properly designate materials on drawings and specifications. Note, this book is also available in Dutch ISBN: 978-90-430-2613-0
- Guide to Friction Wear and Erosion Testing (Manual 56), K. G. Budinski, (West Conshohocken PA: ASTM International 2007, approximately 132 pages - ISBN: 978-008051-4269-5) This book describes testing techniques and equipment used for laboratory testing related to the various forms of friction, wear and erosion. It could be helpful in selecting the proper test to simulate a particular tribosystem.
- Friction Wear and Erosion Atlas, K. G. Budinski, (Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2014, Approx. 277 pages - ISBN: 978-1-4665-8726-7) This atlas contains photos and descriptions of more than 50 years of wear and erosion failures. It shows what they look like, and describes what could have caused them, and what is commonly done to address these modes of friction, wear and erosion.
- Engineer's Guide to Technical Writing, K. G. Budinski, (Materials Park Ohio: ASM International, 2001 approx. 400 pages - ISBN: 0-87170-693-8) This is a useful text on how to write technical reports that are brief, understandable, and appropriate for various engineering situations. Secrets are presented on how to make technical writing not a dreaded task.
- Preparing and Delivering Technical Presentations (Manual 54), K. G. Budinski, West Conshohocken PA, ASTM International, 2005, approx. 60 pages - ISBN: 0-8031-3370-7) This is a brief manual on the most effective way of preparing PowerPoint and similar presentations to peers and to managers. It shows how to make presentations a routine part of technical activity and how to effectively deliver them.